Digicel Container Cafe i Boe

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Boe, Nauru
Kontakter telefon: +674
Latitude: -0.5388535, Longitude: 166.9116917
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Kommentar 5

  • Peter Myers

    Peter Myers


    Great, string coffee. If you don't like strong coffee, make sure you inform the barrista, or you'll be buzzing for the rest of the day! Food selection is a little sub par, but the service is certainly friendly.

  • Tricia Batsiua

    Tricia Batsiua


    Nice enough but can sometimes be too warm...

  • Ditrone Tom

    Ditrone Tom


    Never been, never will. Saw from a distance the ridiculous prices for what is essentially, a bit of coffee (or tea) in a styrofoam cup served out of a shipping container. Really? Right in front of one of the nations national landmarks, which just adds more insult... It's an eye sore, should be removed from the premises immediately. No class Digicel.

  • Zulas D

    Zulas D


    Espresso 😍

  • BCA Nauru

    BCA Nauru


    The one thing that has been lacking in Nauru for as long as I have been here (three years in September 2016) is a really good coffee shop. The newly established Container Cafe fills this void nicely. Operating out of a converted shipping container they offer a western selection of coffee (cappuccino, latte, etc) from staff who appear to have been trained in barista techniques. In addition, they offer a selection of snacks such as pies, and warm muffins (Sara-Lee style).

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