Ewa Lodge i Ronave

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Ronave, Nauru
Kontakter telefon: +674
Latitude: -0.5038022, Longitude: 166.9387602
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Kommentar 5

  • Shang tian Liu

    Shang tian Liu



  • Michelle Gallant

    Michelle Gallant


    Best place to stay on the island. Clean, well maintained and conveniently located with supermarket, liquor shop, bakery and coffee shop. Choice of self catering apartments or serviced rooms. Book well ahead it's in demand. We stay here on our annual work trips and it's usually for a week. We would not stay anywhere else - we have tried other places.

  • V.P. Barreras

    V.P. Barreras


    THE place to stay in Nauru. Berlinda, who manages the hotel, was amazing and accommodated my every request. The convenience of having the supermarket, cafe and bakery was fantastic! The lodge is opposite the beach and a lovely way to spend the day.

  • Daughlyn Detabene

    Daughlyn Detabene


    Loved it

  • Bwereieta Iebobo

    Bwereieta Iebobo


    I want to be one of the employee in this company while im looking the pages and i want to keep my support to be the one of an employee...

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