Nauru Australian Immigration Detention Center i Meneng

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Kontakter telefon: +674
Latitude: -0.5406599, Longitude: 166.9308159
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Kommentar 5

  • A Human

    A Human


    Horrible place where people fleeing from terrorism get a whole different type of abuse.

  • Hazza Morgan

    Hazza Morgan


    joel wants to go here. abuse for humans and an illegal operation but

  • Eric Pinkerton

    Eric Pinkerton


    Not a very nice place at all right now, wait 50 years or so untill they have turned it in to a memorial museum dedicated to remembering one of the most shameful periods in Australian history..

  • His EmineNce

    His EmineNce


    After being swindled out of thousands of dollars to cut the ques to Australia, this place is so much better than what everyone makes a fuss over... everything is FREE!! Free medical, dental, food, education, clothing & rent! The best bit too, if your room is getting old, just burn it down and yep, you guessed it.. You get a FREE UPGRADE... at ZERO cost... what a time to be alive.

  • Pascal Price

    Pascal Price


    What a great holiday destination! i can see why all the asylum seekers are so keen to come and visit! Love all the parties that they have! they're a Riot! , they're kind enough to even invite the police to join in, what legends.

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