Aiwo Hotel i Boe

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Boe, Nauru
Kontakter telefon: +674
Latitude: -0.5369451, Longitude: 166.9107354
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Kommentar 5

  • Jawayne Keize

    Jawayne Keize


    Not great serivce, but Nauru being a small island; this hotel provides the necessary facilities a person would want.

  • Amuthan Vethanayagam

    Amuthan Vethanayagam


    Great atmosphere! Best place in Nauru to host a party or to take your date. Food and Spirits are great too. They have cocktails and ice creams too.

  • Eijhen Denuga

    Eijhen Denuga


    :/ i've only been in this hotel once :) its nice

  • Ricky Starr

    Ricky Starr


    Well I've never booked into this hotel before but the look of it, it's always alot of people around both day and night. It have it's own casino, bar, pool table and a convenient place for the guests. A walking distance to the supermarket, bank, post office, tattersall, degicel and it's own restaurant. This is a recommend hotel according to some of my foreign friends.

  • Nokise Simeona

    Nokise Simeona


    Basic rooms, but AC is a big plus. Room service is slow to non-existent. Linens changed once or twice a week. Often no cleaning done by housekeeping. Kettle here but no mugs of tea/cofee etc. Cannot cook in room.

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